Saturday, September 11, 2010

Unit 10

After the last few weeks, I think my numbers in all 3 areas have slipped a little. I am at or below 5 on every level I think. I am trying to inch my way back up the scale. Baby steps as it is. Every day I do a little something more for me, so hopefully soon I will be back where I need to be.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Unit 9 Project

Creating Wellness: Psychological and Spiritual Aspects of Healing
Unit 9 Project
Bridget Hamler, RN
Cindy Fouhy, Instructor
September 7, 2010

Health professionals work in high stress situations, live in high stress times and carry burdens around on a daily basis that only increase in weight as the days go by. Being exposed to such high stress all the time can leave us drained and vulnerable. On top of all that, health professionals are expected to care for complete strangers on a daily basis. How can we effectively care for others when we ourselves are a mess? In my case, I am a prime example of a health care professional with too much stress. Currently, I have so much on my plate, and my psychological, spiritual and physical well being is so skewed, I am going to need a major overhaul to achieve any kind of wellness. Hopefully, the following plan will provide a logical, realistic and workable plan to get me back on track to the path of wellness so I can better serve my clients.
Each area of wellness can be assessed at different levels on different days. We humans are usually not consistent. Lately, my score would be less than or equal to a level five in each area of wellness. Physically, I would give myself a level five this week. I have fallen behind in my routine and have traded my gym time for nap time. Spiritually, I would also give myself a five. I have slipped a little this week. Psychologically, after the past week, I am precariously perched at a level of two and a half.

Goal Development
When we formulate goals for ourselves, first they need to be attainable and reasonable. When trying to maximize our wellness, we do not want to set ourselves up for failure from the beginning. I will start with my physical wellness. I have already made myself a calendar of various physical activities to do on certain days. Nothing crazy, but walking, swimming and treadmill work, stuff I already do, and not a strict crazy schedule, it needs to be flexible to fit into my schedule. I also do little things, pick a parking spot far from a store so I can walk more, walk the dogs more, and even take the stairs every chance I get. I have already gotten back on track with proper eating, so I just have to keep the ball rolling.
Psychologically, I need some work. I am not in the best of situations to begin with, but, have to get my ducks in a row before I can make any permanent changes. However, I still have to deal with life on a daily basis. I have learned to meditate, even if for only five minutes. In the shower, in the tanning bed, even waiting in the drive-thru! I also try to get proper rest, it is hard to shut down some times, but rest is so important.
Spiritually, I am not too bad, but can use a little pick me up. I am one that does not equate spirituality with religion. For me, it has to do more with my soul, and the well being for of my soul. Doing more for ‘me’ can feed my soul. So I definitely need more me time. One thing I would like to do is catch up on my pleasure reading. I can intersperse it between my BSN courses, and I won’t get the two confused!

Practices for Personal Health
Setting new goals means there are activities I need to do to reach these goals. Some I have already mentioned. Change up my fitness routine; make it more fun and not a chore. I need to set regular bed times and have a regular bed time routine to maximize my rest. Meditation before bed may help to declutter my head. Feed my soul, with simple little things, like bird watching. Enjoying the Blue Herons in the river, the nesting Ospreys or the beautiful Canada Geese. They are my favorite. At first, they will hiss at me, and then eat out of my hand! Silly goose! Since I am not working a lot at my per diem job, I will go visit or volunteer so I can see my ‘gals’ more often. Plus, when it comes to my diet, a little dietary indiscretion is fine now and again. I do have to cut back down on my caffeine, my crutch, I was completely caffeine free, but I am still honing the good habit to replace the not-so-good habit. I already do a few little things; watch the sunset when I can or chase my giggling grandson, but there is more I can do. Horseback riding, here I come!
I am very list oriented; making a list will keep me back on track. In a few months I will have the weight back off. Interrupting and avoiding negative thoughts will get easier with time. Working towards progress and not perfection is also key. I am only human; I will make mistakes, but not becoming discouraged and expecting the ‘bumps’ will help on the down days. Also, learning from Dr. Dacher, and putting love and kindness in all that I do will also help on my road to wellness.

Elliott S.Dacher, M. (2006). Integral Health: The Path to Human Flourishing. Laguna Beach: Basic Health Publications.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Unit 8

Unit 8:
I think the most beneficial exercises I did was Loving/Kindness and Visualization. What I like, is that we get the foundation and then I can adapt the exercise to suit my needs. Funny, I have begun to tell more and more people about meditation. I can still only do a few minutes a a time, but, I can do it more often during the day. In the shower, in the tanning bed, doing laps in the pool! Just about anywhere is game is visualization exercises; loving/kindness-I need a little less stimulation! As always, practice helps me progress! :-)

Tuesday, August 24, 2010


Hamster: "This lively pet hamster will keep you company throughout the day. Watch him run on his wheel, drink water, and eat the food you feed him by clicking your mouse. Click the center of the wheel to make him get back on it."

Week 7

Ugh- another one that was hard for me- couldn't sit still, couldn't concentrate- will have to 'practice'. I am just beginning my 'me' phase and doing for 'me' and taking better care of 'me', maybe that's why I am having difficulty! I am so burned out from 'all the other stuff on my plate', I have to make room in order for myself to flourish. I guess that's where those baby steps come in and daily practice!

Monday, August 16, 2010

Unit 6

OK- now I really have to say that the Loving/Kindness exercise was a bit much. Of course I treat people with respect and dignity everyday (depends- I'm only human and not all deserve respect). Once I find a few minutes to meditate- it will be for me-yup, you heard me; me! The other exercise, Integral Assessment is a bit more attainable. After all, we work take ''baby steps' everyday!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Sunday, August 8, 2010


Sunday 8/8-
Subtle mind was a little more difficult than Loving-kindness! Loving- kindness comes easy- well almost easy! But- subtle mind- much more difficult. It was hard to concentrate, hard to sit still, hard to keep focus! With the loving kindness exercise, we had direction- a purpose. Subtle mind was a focal point and deep breathing. I am really going to have to work on this one- to slow my mind down, find a focal point and work on my subtle mind!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

OK- I think I am finally starting to understand! I think about the CD and the exercise during the day. How can I make it work? How can I make it better? Little by little I'm getting there. It is a process.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Aug 2, 2010-
After trying the exercise, I was kind of mixed about it! My friend and I processed it while driving to Buff yesterday. For the first part, it was hard to find one person to connect to. There are many people in my life and various levels of love. The second step was a little easier. Inhaling the suffering of someone close and exhaling it away. The third step was a little more difficult for me. I am not ready for that step yet. I can barley turn the love in on myself, I certainly cannot take on the suffering of strangers. My friend assures me it is a process and to listen again (as the CD suggests). I will listen daily, and re-post how I progress! Thanks and Peace!

Friday, July 23, 2010

Unit 3 Assignment

Some days I'm more together than others. (I'm telling you-acupuncture is a beautiful thing!)

1.On a sacle of 1-10:

Physical well being-6 or 7, walk more everyday and watch what I eat.

Spiritual well bein- 8 or 9, I am very connected to Mother Earth.

Psychological well being- 2 or 3, in a difficult situation that is not easy to change and have a lot of stress in my life.


For my physical well being, I will be back up to walking my 2 miles a day, or more by the end of August. I will continue to lose weight and keep it off!
Spiritual well being is OK, but willl maintain and learn to meditate. Will be meditating daily by the end of August.
Psychological well being- needs a lot of work- will get more rest, do more relaxing activities and let go of some stress and make it's owners deal with it instead of me! This is an everyday thing, will take baby steps and progress a little each day!

3. Avtivities
(oops-put some up above)
Physical- walk a little more each day, through in some weights, continue to watch what I eat! It's ok to cheat once in a while, to feed your soul- but I can't eat ice cream everyday! Plus, dance more!
Spiritual-learn to meditate, get back into Yoga
Psychological-continue acupuncture, leet some stress go, take care of myself first!

4. Meditation exercise:

I found it to be very helpful and will do it again when I can. The presenter had a very pleasant voice.