Saturday, September 11, 2010

Unit 10

After the last few weeks, I think my numbers in all 3 areas have slipped a little. I am at or below 5 on every level I think. I am trying to inch my way back up the scale. Baby steps as it is. Every day I do a little something more for me, so hopefully soon I will be back where I need to be.


  1. Bridget, when it comes to our progress I believe it differs from day to day. There are days that I feel more up and easy to smile while I make time for a good workout and some relaxation time but there there are the days when you feel more down. You feel like you accomplished less but the trick is, to not give up. Just as you stated that you are doing a little more for you each day, that is great! That is a positive step forward and I think that can certainly help your score! Keep it up, it is a good thing to put yourself first once in awhile!

  2. Hi Bridget. I am sorry to hear that things are slipping some. I think we all have those moments too. Times in our lives seem so trying, that you think you will never escape them or recover. I can completely understand. Everyday is a challenge. The class hopefully gave you some tools to help you to get well again. I will pray for your healing as you all have done for me and my niece.
    Best wishes for the future!

  3. Hi Bridget,

    I agree with Pam, I also think day-to-day our rates change. Some days are just easier to manage than others. But it's on those harder days when we really need to work and be mindful of our choices. You'll get to where you want to be soon enough and be able to maintain them. That's what we all want to accomplish.
